by sea
We’re strategically located with a quick entrance and exit from Cartagena. This map is for reference only and is not an official navigation chart. Scroll further below for more details.

GPS Coordinates
Wpt nr. | LAT | LON |
W001 | 10°22.690′ N | 075°31.980′ W |
W002 | 10°22.565′ N | 075°30.975′ W |
W003 | 10°22.700′ N | 075°30.930′ W |
W004 | 10°23.095′ N | 075°31.240′ W |
W005 | 10°23.115′ N | 075°31.290′ W |
W006 | 10°23.125′ N | 075°31.595′ W |
Manzanillo Marina Club | 10°23.350′ N | 075°31.525′ W |
Minimum Depth 3M (10ft.) | Homers^sdyssey- May 2010
Getting here
by land
Bosque, Calle Malaga # 53-76 (Sector Zapatero)